
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer Leaks

The new Bat Suit.

The Batman v Superman Trailer may have just been leaked a few days before it should have been released! Take a look here at rKade.

Safe to say if you’d rather wait for the Official Trailer release, come back on the 20th April when it was originally slated to be shown.


What are your first thoughts? That showdown at the end looks as though it’s gearing up to be a great one. A lot to talk about in this one so start speculating and nerding out in the comments below!


What do you think?

Written by Kade McConville

I created rKade, hence the name! My favourite game has to be Uncharted 2 - I was 16 when that game come out and it was just huge. My favourite film is Back to the Future, closely followed by Die Hard, of course.

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